Suffolk Provincial Almoner Service The Service

A core document was prepared in October 2020 which outlined the delivery of the Provincial Almoner Service. Within this document the following objectives were set out:

  • Helping Lodge Almoners deliver their “pastoral care” which in the Almoner Handbook is defined as “maintaining support and contact with brethren and their immediate family”. To increase the take up of support services and promote the MCF objective to be a “force for good in building better lives”.
  • Manage the Lodge Almoners effectiveness within their regional groups and to increase the respect and recognition of the office of Group and Lodge Almoner.
  • Provide financial assistance when the MCF and state aid cannot help.
  • Increase knowledge and provide training.
  • Tackle the issues experienced during the Covid pandemic, especially redundancy, bereavement, and mental fragility resulting from isolation.
  • Promote RMBI Cornwallis Court to the province of Suffolk and beyond.
  • Extend the interaction with widows.
  • Build a strong relationship with London and Region 7.